Fundamental Analysis Definition, Indicators, Methods, & Limits

Also, while Microsoft’s earnings were predicated on software as a service (SaaS) and software sales, Apple’s were still primarily dependent on hardware sales. Apple’s revenue base is about 2½ times Microsoft’s; the global market for its devices is far more saturated than the global market for Microsoft’s software. When conducting an analysis, you can be …

Long Position vs Short Position: What’s the Difference?

Short call option positions offer a similar strategy to short selling but without the need to borrow the stock. This position allows the investor to collect the option premium as income with the possibility of delivering their long stock position at a guaranteed, usually higher, price. While it sounds illegal to sell something you don’t …

What Is a Payment Reference Number?

Card companies can track comprehensive information about a transaction by its reference number. With the reference number, the company can identify the merchant or seller, as well as the card terminal or terminal owner that was used to execute the transaction. A reference is a “pointer” to a memory address in Java, even though Java …